Disaster Response
We work with our network to have best in class response times with the ability to triage and make necessary repairs. We have the ability to act on the needs assessments for each property, making necessary repairs and securing the property to avoid further degradation of property condition. We also build kits that allow us to prepare homes for hurricanes and other weather events.
Our Expertise
Disaster Response requires a knowledge of geographical challenges specific to the areas that experience disasters. We have over 20 years of experience with inspections and repairs for wildfire, freeze damage, hurricane, earthquakes and other catastrophic events.
What sets us apart?
Our quick response and mobilization ability is unrivaled in the industry.
We boast the best team of experts in disaster response because each member of our team has years of personal experience as well as experience teaching and training necessary skills in this area.

Our History
MPI offers full-maintenance and rehab services for bank-owned properties in over 20 states. MPI was first on the ground for Hurricane Katrina, inspecting 380,000 houses for FEMA. MPI began updating and reporting to members of Congress after two months with power point, photos and documentation of the destruction and devastation. MPI has continued to partner with FEMA, GSEs, Servicers, and Regulators to help improve servicing of distressed housing markets resulting from economic downturns or natural disasters. MPI is strategically positioned for routine maintenance, rehab efforts, special projects and disasters of all sizes across the country.
Work With Us
We are always looking for experienced technicians to join our team in order to continue our mobilization efforts and continue being the best in the nation.
Contact Us
(951) 808-3346